Thursday, October 10, 2013

Creativity Workshop

Creativity Workshop

"People have to go out of their minds before they come to their senses" - Timothy Leary

"There is only one trait that marks the writer.  He is always watching.  It's kind of trick of mind and he is born with it."  - Morley Callaghan

+ Get your right brain working.  Try music!

+Write a biography of yourself that does not say anything about your past, but instead uses similes and metaphors

+ Place random words in a bag and do a "Boombox" activity - pull words out of the bag and create a story using those words.  For example, words: Camaro, potato chips, onion.
                A Chevy Camaro that smells like potato chips is driving down the road.  It runs on onions instead of gas.
                Word: "Shoe"
                A Chevy Camaro that smells like potato chips is driving down the road.  It runs on onions instead of gas.  It uses shoes instead of tires.
                Word: "Cop car"
                A Chevy Camaro that smells like potato chips is driving down the road.  It runs on onions instead of gas.  It uses shoes instead of tires, and is being chased by a cop car.
                Word: "Circus clown"
                A Chevy Camaro that smells like potato chips is driving down the road.  It runs on onions instead of gas. It uses shoes instead of tires and is being chased by a cop car with a circus clown hanging off the siren lights.

+Buy a cheap comic book or painting or picture and use that as a prompt to write the story behind it.

+Play pictionary - this is a great creativity booster

+Symphony - comeup with a list of characters, create a basic plot and write from the point of view of every character involved. 

+Pick up a random item and write the story behind it.

+Read "Title" by Greg Allen.  See a performance of it here

+ Create a poem using every clichè you can think of, but use each one differently then was intended

+ Write the same story in three different genres: horror, comedy, romance, drama, etc.

+Write the same story in three different ways: poem, short story, play

If anyone can finish the sentence, it is a clichè.
Clichès, idioms, and "word packages":
Wake up and smell the roses / coffee
Put the cherry on top
The icing on the cake
These boots are made for walking
The light at the end of the tunnel
You can lead a horse to water but you can't make him drink
Butterflies in your stomach
It's just scratching the surface
Out like a lamp
The writing is on the wall
The place was crawling with cops
See the big picture
His life would never be the same
Put a cork in it
Finding a needle in a haystack
Time to pay the piper
Dive in head first
Have the upper hand
compare apples to oranges
the best means of defense is a good offense
Keep your friends close, your enemies closer
Never say never
You only live once
Hit it out of the park
Bringing home the bacon
No such thing as a free lunch
Think outside the box

Try some of these instead:
"You know what they say about horses and water"  "I felt like I'd eaten a bag (or a garden) of butterflies"
"His life would never be different"
"Never say never (Again)" "You only live twice" (James Bond)
"Think outside the bun"
"Nobody wants a free lunch"